Enhaii Hotel is a practicing hotel for the students of STP Bandung. The most famous tourism school in Indonesia. The hotel is already starting to get stable business. Every weekend they have fully booked rooms at all season.

What they need to get now is to get more sales on food and beverages service. They wanted to sell more on their banquet facilities. It includes their two meeting rooms, a function room, and professional teacher at their access.

The m'aitre de restaurant has called me to write some advertising, as he has a contact on local newspaper who gave him free space on the paper, in trade of covering the news in the hotel. To fulfil the needs of middle up market on business or corporate people, I then set up this ad with semi formal lines and reflecting corporate color of the hotel. The packages are displayed as in editorial form to match the atmosphere. The m'aitre de restaurant also has asked me to do the photography as well. They don't have good photographs, so they assign me to do the job as well. To see my other photography works, please visit my photography website here.